Saturday September 30 from 8-5 hike over Stratton Mountain with a stop at the tower for the view and to Stratton Pond. This is a moderate hike of 10.8 miles with about 2000 ft elevation gain. We will meet in Bondville at 8 am (for specific information on where to meet contact the hike leader), head to the end of the hike to leave some cars and drive to the beginning of the hike. The hike will climb Stratton Mountain to the tower, continue down to Stratton Pond, and out from the pond. Participants must have an extra layer, warm hat, raincoat just in case, snacks, lunch, fluids. For details on meeting place and the hike and to RSVP contact Dave Ratti at 802-366-0698 or <>. RSVP REQUIRED.
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